Page 25 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 25

107-  Solar energy is a clean …………… source to oil.

             a. fair           b. replacement               c. polluted           d. alternative
          108- We should ………….important news on the social sites and not to disturb people.
             a. blog                  b. evaluate           c. refresh            d. analyse
          109- I……….the exams will be easy.
             a. brainstorm            b. carry on           c. waste              d. suppose

          110- We should choose a good…………….to enjoy a good night‟s sleep.
             a. bad                   b. pillar                    c. pillow             d. cover
          111- Our health is a/an ……………. It is the first thing we need to look after.
             a. drawback              b. priority                  c. performance        d. alternative
          112. My brother is a football…………… He watches all the matches live.
          a) affectionately           b) enthusiastic                c) enthusiast          d) enthusiasm
          113. My brother is ……………..  about football .He watches all the matches live.
          a) affectionately                  b) enthusiastic                c) enthusiast          d) enthusiasm
          114. My brother is  full of ……………..  of  football .He watches all the matches live.
          a) affectionately                  b) enthusiastic                c) enthusiast          d) enthusiasm
          115. My brother is  ………..treated as all of us like him.  He is gentle.
          a) affectionately                  b) enthusiastic                c) enthusiast          d) enthusiasm
          116. The sun is very ……………… It has made all the horizon fantastic.
          a) shiny                       b) rainy                               c) deal                                  d) gloomy
          117. The convict was characterized by a …… his face so it was easy to be recognized
          and arrested.
          a) scare                       b) scar                              c) gun                                 d) gloom
          118. The soldier was lucky as the bullet went through his…..but missed the bones.
          a) wrest                       b) rest                              c) wrist                                 d) worst
          119. My fried always ……..…that he is from a famous family in Upper Egypt.
          a) tells                       b) boost                             c) boast                                 d) sings
          120. All students are……………..about their exams  results. They will be announced soon.
          a) worry                       b) anxious                            c) pride                                 d) happy
                                               Synonyms & Antonyms
          1.The synonym of the word  result  is ( consequence – sequence – schedule – core )
          2.The synonym of the word  procrastinate  is  put ( on – at – away – off )
          3.Pollution has a serious impact on the weather. "Impact" here is similar in meaning to:
          a. importance               b. influence                 c. affect                      d. cause
          4. Going to the  court to obtain compensation is a long process. Process has the same
          meaning as ( generation  -operation  -preparation –situation)
          5- A/  An (amount – number – equal - extract) means how much of something there is.
          6- “She declined the job as the pay was little..” The synonym of „declined‟ is…….
             a. accepted                      b. flourished               c. reduced            d. turned down
          7-The antonym of the word realistic is ( tiny – factual – unrealistic – real )
          8- “Ali comes up with productive ideas.” The antonym of „productive‟ is ……………

             a. sterile               b. creative         c. inventive                   d. old-fashioned
          9- “She declined his offer to buy her house , she won't sell it .” The antonym of „declined is ….
          a. accepted          b. flourished         c. reduced                   d. turned down

          10- “The prices vary according to quality.” The antonym of „vary‟ here is ……………
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