Page 24 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 24

a. lead                      b. vary        c. distract         d. switch off

          87- Wasting people's time is one …............ of using social media.
          a. drawback                             b. merit              c. strategy                   d. task
          88.  Teachers should encourage students to  improve their ……………
             a. procrastination b. analysis          c. productivity              d. permission

          89. As he needed money, he was …………… to accept such a tiring job.
             a. forced         b. stated                    c. mentioned                 d. let
          90. …………… is the process of getting better at doing something, or getting closer to

          finishing or achieving something.
             a. Efficiency            b. Productivity   c. Procrastination          d. Progress
          91. I tried to ring you many times, but the line was engaged.  This sentence means that........

          a. The speaker was offering a ring to engage a girl.
          b. The speaker insisted on engaging a girl who refused him a lot.
          c. The speaker was calling the girl he wanted to engage online

          d. The speaker couldn't contact the addressee as their telephone was busy
          92- When I searched " pollution " on the internet , I found a lot of ………………..
          a) founding                  b) found                          c) findings                   d) foundation
          93- This is the ( wrest – wrist – rest – test )  that I always wear my watch on.

          94-I have cleaned and polished my shoes .They look ( dusty – dirty – shy – shiny )
          95-A friend of mine likes to ( post – past – boost – boast ) that she is the best student in the

          96-I have been feeling recently  …………. because I have had  a lot of important  exams.
          a) annoyed               b) angry                     c) furious                          d) anxious
          97- It's --------------- how popular that app has become.  Nobody expected it !

          a) amazed                        b) surprised               c) interested                   d) remarkable
          98- I always wear t-shirts with long ……………. in cold weather.
          a) hairs                            b) sofa                           c) sleeves                      d) selves

          99- If I don't tell her the truth now , my lies will be come back to ---------------me
          a) help                             b) haunt                         c) hound                        d) hay
          100-The parent told the child to --------------- on to their hand to cross the road.

          a) catch                            b) leave                        c) hold                             d) have
          101- The doctor told her patient that they would have small -----------------
          a) scar                              b) scared                      c) sacred                        d) scary
          102- He is very-------------------- about tennis .e always talks about it .

          a) enthusiastic               b) enthusiasm               c) interested              d) fond
          103-The footballer signed the t-shirt at the ----------------- of the fan.
          a) require                       b) request                      c) inquire                   d) enquire.
          104- No one can deny the …………… of education to the progress of nations.
             a. evidence              b. strategy           c. importance         d.  task

          105- The …………… that Egypt follows towards the Arab issues is balanced.
              a. plain         b. strategy                          c. discussion        d. task
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