Page 28 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 28

3. My mother permitted = allowed  me to play on the computer

          = My mother let  me play on the computer
          4. It's impossible to escape from the prison. =The  keepers stop you from escaping.

          Lesson one and two

        1.Choose the correct words :.
          1- Parents should ..…. their children to limit the amount of time they spend using mobile
          a) get                               b) have                   c) let                     d) make
          2-They should also get them …………… off their mobile phones when they go to sleep.
          a) turning                 b) turn                   c) turned                     d) to turn
          3-They ……….. ten students move into a house with a mobile phone mast in the garden.
          a) had                             b) has                                 c) got                     d) get
          4-I (  got -  had – have – having ) Ali to go to the sports club with me, although he didn‟t
          want to go.
          5-Mother had Ola ( tidy -  to tidy – tiding – to tidying )  her room before she went out.
          6-Before the meeting, the manager always gets the reports ( to type – type -typed / typing. )
          7-Dina ( allowed – make - has – does ) the flat cleaned every week
          10- The PE teacher had us ( ran – run – to run – running ) around the playground four times
          11-If you don't know how to use the computer , ( let – make – have –get ) your son to help

          12-How often do you get your teeth ( check – to check –checking – checked ) at the
          13-We are eating in a restaurant tonight because our parents ………… our kitchen painted.
               a) had                 b) have                   c) are having                     d) have to
          14-I can't use my bike because I am having it ( repaired - to repair - repairing – be repaired )
          16- We don't always ( had – have – will have – are having ) our car washed.
          17- My parents get the plants ( water – watering – to water – watered ) at the weekend.
          18- I ( have – will have – am having – had ) my house decorated next week.
          19. I must have my watch (repairing – repairs – repair – repaired).
          20. I'll have someone (decorate – decorated – decorating – decorates) my flat.
          21. She got someone (paint – painted – to paint – painting) the house.
          22. She is having the computer (to fix – fixes – fixed – fix).
          23. We are going to have the carpenter (make - to make - made - makes) some shelves for
          24. I think you should have your doctor (looking – look – to look - looked) at that cut on
          your arm. It looks serious.
          25. We got our neighbours (look – looking - to look – looked) after our dog while we were
          26. We need to have our computer (checked – checking – to check - check) out for viruses.
          27. I had to have my digital camera (fixing – to fix – fixes - fixed) after I dropped it in the
          28. They had it (to do – done- doing - does) by the same person who decorated their old
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