Page 22 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 22

39- As I am a cyclist , I  have bought new ear ( plugs – bags – glasses – pugs )
          40-Remember that your concentration ( leads -objects -tends   -opposes)  to reduce after 30
          41-You need to make changes if you want to increase your ---------------
          a) productive         b) productivity               c) producers                      d) produces
          42-Using less electricity will improve the ----------------- in your class .
          a) effective             b) effectiveness             c) efficiency                        d) b & c
          43- There is one common ( errands -error -earrings - brand ) which stops students from
          being productive.  They exchange ideas well.
          44. I bought a smart TV (advance- set- screw- set    ) to watch the matches of my team.
          45. Our company  faces a sharp  (advance- profit- completion-decline )  in its profits. It
          needs a new plan to restore what it has lost.
          46. The spokesman  declared that  there is a wonderful  ( progress -profit- contribution-
          decline  ) has been made in the political talks between the two presidents. They are happy.
          47. Our company needs fresh eyes to( avoid-assess –help-vision   ) its strategy to be able to
          make up for  its losses
          48- I (sit- set- puts- did  ) the table for dinner and my wife got the food  on it . It is a
          wonderful thing to co operate
          49. Teachers should ( mistake-decide-assess- make    ) the students' results  every month

          and tell their  parents.
          50. Parents should look after their kids and  (bring on-rise-raise- see   ) them well to be
          good citizens
          51. Nowadays , the (drawbacks –technology-merits-advance) of  communication develops
          so rapidly  that we can't keep up with it
          52. Most of us want to ( make –create-live- assess)  a society  where the human values
          53.The government set up a lot of  projects to (create-do-invent-make  )more jobs for youth
          54. (  Inventive-Creation- Vision-Genius ) of man , including his poetry, music and painting
          doesn't stop. Every day we find out new sources of it.
          55.She was (rose – aroused – arose - raised) by her grandparents after her parents had died .
          56member that our concentration tend to ( raise- increase –decline-go up  ) after 30 minutes
          of beginning studying. We should take breaks to refresh ourselves.
          57. Ageing خفٛقٍشٌا   is the natural (operation – recess – process – experience) of getting old.
          58. It was a long and difficult (hostess – stress – recess – process) to build the bridge, but
          cars can use it now.
          59. Students  need to make changes of  their study habits  if they want to increase their …
          a) productive         b) productivity               c) producers                      d) produces
          60. The government should ( interest- care- focus- look after ) on  job-creating program to
          reduce employment.
          61. There are different (copies- levels-layers-lawyers    ) in the English course . You should
          choose the one that suits you.
          62. Mary Cury , the famous physicist , achieved a high  ( grade- mark- level-experiment ) of
          distinction. She was awarded the Noble prize for chemistry and physics.
          63. My father works two shifts in the factory to ( prove – improve-decrease-meet  )   our
          income to satisfy our needs.
          64. Some people listen to you carefully, but they don't have the enough experience to give
          you any ( respond- solution-effects- causes )
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