Page 23 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 23

65. The ( strong- situation – length -efficiency ) of this loudspeaker is 40% only . We
          should buy a modern one instead of it.
          66. Our street cleaners are very (  strong- situated – smart -efficient   ) . They make our
          town very healthy. They make great efforts.
          67. My father hopes that we have a (quality- contributed- productive -amount  )
          agricultural  session to achieve  a lot of profits.
          68. There is a wonderful  (page- level- report-copy  ) on Zamalik's win of the tournament
          this year. You will enjoy it a lot.
          69.I think it will be a good ( process- operation- structure-space  ) for poor people to live in.
          It's comfortable.
          70.We should advise our children not to spend too much time ( to play- play- playing-to

          playing ) video games.
          71.He used to talk proudly about his possessions. He…….. about how much money he had

          a. complained                       b. told                   c. boasted                     d. beat
          72.This research was done -------- the request of the science teacher.
          a. from                       b. at                          c. in                          d. for

          73. We should  encourage  our children  to read a lot  and make them do it as a ( custom-
          habit- traditional-prize )
          74. We all have ( customs- habits- meals-prizes) that we do every day . We should develp
          the good ones and avoid the bad ones.
          75-His parents' divorce had a negative ( affect – effect – action – act ) on me and my sisters.
          76.There was a/an ………. in sales and the company gained a lot of profit.
          a. decline                b. increase                c. deterioration              d. suggestion
          77. I took a ten- ------------ break to refresh my energy.
          a. minutes                    b. minutes‟                  c. minute‟s               d. minute

          78.I usually have a thirty-minute walk every day; sport has a----effect on health.
          a. negative                   b. positive                    c. terrible                  d. rare

          79.“You are doing well,” my coach said. “I‟m sure you will carry ….... achieving more
          a. in                               b. on                         c. of                            d. at
          80.Children need to be taught not to talk back to their parents. This means that children …

          A weren‟t allowed to discuss issues.       B shouldn‟t be allowed to reply rudely.
          C were asked to stop making noise.         D. weren‟t allowed to say anything.
          81. My father smiled --------- at me when I told him I had passed my exams.
          a. affectionately                   b. foolishly              c. foolish                d. affectionate
          82. The prisoner was given a life ---------- for his crimes.
          a. insistence                 b. sentence             c. tolerance                      d. negligence
          83.My wife is  so nervous that she can ( do- give- send -create ) a fight out of nothing. Most
          people avoid her.
          84-The balloon (raised – aroused - rose – arose) gently in the air. It is very light
          85. The examiner marked the candidates' sheets to …………....them.

          a. estimate                       b. appreciate                             c. assess                     d. deduce
          86- The marks of the test………….according to the level of the student.
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