Page 20 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 20

was surprised by what a big difference this strategy made In maths and history, my worst

          subjects,l got the second highest marks in the class and my grades in all my other subjects
          increased by 48% in just  month! Looking back l should have done this before!  Making a
          1% change in different things made a massive difference for me and I'm sure it'll help you
          tool So why not to try it yourself

                                                                  Video Script

          Reflection is something that more and more people are talking about today. We're told that
          it will help us to improve our performance- either at school or in the workplace. But a lot of
          us aren't sure exactly what reflection is.  The simplest definition of reflection is that it's

          careful thought. It involves thinking about what has happened to you and analyzing your
          actions and the beliefs that led to them in a lot of detail. When you reflect, your brain can
          take a break from the chaos of normal life, organize the experiences you have had and find

          some meaning in them. Reflection is,  therefore, a learning process that lets you grow and
          develop as a person.  And the evidence suggests that reflection is a learning process that
          improves our quality of life. For example, a study of people travelling to work in the UK,

          found that the commuters who used their journey to work to think about their day and plan
          the next day were happier,  more productive and less burned out than those who didn't.  So
          why do people often avoid reflection? Some people find it difficult to think back to and

          analyse to what they've done, and others think it's better to just take action instead.
          Whatever your opinion about reflection, it might be worth at least giving it a very try and
          finding out it can make you happier and more productive.


        1 Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
          1. Students should ( extract- log-affect- depend ) on themselves when they study. They
          should ask only advice.
          2-Farmers water their crops (regularly – bitterly – disorderly – formerly) to  grow well.
          3. There are some important ( factories- factors- tips -diaries ) that affect the production

          process. We should study them all.
          4. The commission has met to  ( discussion- brainstorm-choice-mention  )  about  the
          designs presented for the logo of the festival to choose the best.
          5. At schools , teachers should stimulate  their students by giving them pre-questions to
          (thank- brainstorm-believe-positive ) them.
          5. The Egyptian Parliament will hold a special (  hour-session-meeting-forum ) this month
          to discuss the economic crisis.
          6. In brainstorming sessions ,  students should talk about the pros and  (upside-advantages-
          merits- cons ) of the   given ideas.
          7. I was happy to ( share – divide – eat – feed ) the taxi fare with another passenger. This
          made me save some money for my other needs.
          8- The coach ( shared – divided – cut – hit ) the players into two groups. They played
          against each other.
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