Page 30 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 30

a) have              b) make                      c) allow                     d) permit
          57.A friend of mine, who´s an electrician, is going to ..... my DVD player next week.
          a) repair            b) repaired                  c) repairs                   d) repairing
          58.I'm going to have my DVD player ............ next week by a friend of mine, who´s an
          a) repair            b) repaired                  c) repairs                   d) repairing
          59.My car broke down, so I had to get a mechanic................. it.
          a) repair            b) repairs                   c) to repair                 d) repaired
          60.I made my son ................. the windows before he could go outside to play.
          a) washes            b) wash                      c) to wash                   d) washed
          61.My son was made................. the windows before he could go outside to play.
          a) washes            b) wash                      c) to wash                   d) washed
          62.Ali stopped at the petrol station to ................
          a) have filled the tank      b) have the tank filled         c) fill the tank   d) have to fill the
          63.I spilled some tomato sauce on my suit coat. Now I need to get my suit ...............
          a) cleaned           b) cleans                    c) have cleaned              d) to clean
          64.I won't go! You can't ................ me!
          a) has               b) make                      c) allow                     d) forced
          65- Abdullah asked the painter ( painted – paint – to paint – painting ) his house last week.
          66- Tarek has his photos ( print – printed – prints – printing ) after he takes them.
          67- When my cousins were in England, They had some money ( sent – send – sends –
          sending ) by my uncle.
          68- Parents should ( get – have – let – make ) their children to limit the amount of time they
          spend using mobile phone
          69- We don't always ( had – have – will have – are having ) our car washed.
          70- They should get them ( turning – turn – turned – to turn ) off their mobile phones when
          they go to sleep.
          71- They had ten students ( move – to move – moved – moving ) into a house with a mobile
          phone mast in the garden.
          72- They had the mobile phone mast (turning – turned – turn – to turn ) on.
          73- Scientists believe we should ( be – do – have – got ) mobile phone masts installed in
          high or remote areas.
          74-I can't ( make – cause – force – allow ) her change her mind.
          75- Don't ( let – make – have – allow ) anyone to deceive you.
          76- It‟s probably a good idea for people who live close to mobile phone masts to ( get –
          give – go – got ) their health checked frequently.
          77- Adel asks someone to fix his computer. Adel ( has it fixed – has fixed it – have fixed it
          – have it fixed ).
          78- Huda got her bad tooth pulled out ( from – by – with – on ) the dentist.
          79- The park manager wants to ( had – have – has – got ) the plants watered every day.
          80- I ( hadn‟t – didn't have – haven‟t – don‟t have ) my hair cut yesterday.
                                                        ِٗبػ ٌٗٛٔبص
          1..I'm eating less than usual as I don't want to……….... more weight.
          a. allow               b. promise                               c. lose                                              d. gain
          2.Ali got his credit card ……………
          a. change                           b. to change                 c. changing                d. changed
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