Page 18 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 18

           Lesson one and two
           Listen to students brainstorming ideas (WB. P.40)

          Sami : Ok, Rami, do you want to summarise what we have so far?
          Rami : OK, we have two ideas so far. One is close your bedroom door and ask your family
          not to disturb you and the other one, which Adel mentioned, is to leave your phone in
          another room. Does anyone have any other ideas they want to share?

          Sami : How about making a study plan? It might lead to using some valuable study time but
          at least you have things clearly organised and know when you should take a break and what

          subjects you need to concentrate more on. What do you think, Adel?
          Adel : That‟s a good idea. Let‟s add it to our options. Another way to be more productive
          when revising for exams is to revise with a friend.
          Rami : Yes, but don‟t you think that might lead to you chatting about other things?

               Adel : Perhaps. But at least it makes the revision more interesting and you can test one
          another too.
          Sami : I see your point. It could be useful. Would you be happy for us to add that to our

          possible solutions?
          Adel : Yes, of course. Can you think of other ideas?
          Rami : I think it‟s important to eat healthily and practice self-care when we‟re stressed

          about studying.
          Sami : Really? Can you expand on that?
          Rami : Well, revising for exams can be really stressful. When we‟re stressed we produce a

          hormone called cortisol in our bodies. If we have too much in our bodies for a long time it
          can lead to heart problems, depression and anxiety which is not good for our well-being at
          Adel : Wow! Where did you hear that?

          Rami : My mum‟s a doctor. She told me about it when she made me create a study plan
          because she said good organization and forward planning is the best way to avoid negative

          stress. Organizing ourselves well should be a priority because it helps to reduce stress.
          Adel : Interesting point. So, we have five solutions but we need to decide on which is the
          most efficient way to be more productive when revising for exams. What do you think

          Sami : That‟s a tough one. I‟m between „making a study plan‟ and „leaving your phone in a
          different room‟. What about you Rami?
          Rami : Yes, both ideas are good. But speaking from experience, I‟d go for the study plan as

          the most effective. How about you Adel?
          Adel : At first I thought that eating healthily was the most efficient idea but after hearing
          what Rami‟s mum said I‟ve come round to that idea too.

          Sami : So, do we all agree that this is the best option?
          Rami : Yes, I think so.
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