Page 16 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 16
Brainstorming a group of people think about something to create good ٖهبضزٍا ٍَٗع
session ideas. وىف
inevitable certain to happen and impossible to avoid ًّزؽ
diary a book you write down your daily things ًٌِٛ
analyse to examine the nature or structure of something ًٍؾٌ
impact = effect the effect that an action or a person has on someone or وٍصأر
coach someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a ةهلِ
sport, skill or school subject.
overall in general rather than in particular, or including all the ًِبش - َبػ
people or things in a particular group. .
raise to increase the amount or level of something ًثوٌ - غفوٌ
priority something regarded as more important than another. ٌٌٗٛٚا
focus on = concentrate on ًٍػ يووٌ pros and cons ةٍٛػٚ دايٍِّ
feel stressed or worried ٚا ؽٛغهؼِ ٗهٔبث وؼشٌ tend to use َالقزٍلا ًٌٍّ
an increase in ًف ٖكبٌى keep going on َلمزٌا ًٍػ عفبؾٌ
make study plan ٍٗاهك ٗطقث َٛمٌ the central idea ٍٍٗبٍلاا ٖوىفٌا
do a session ٍَٗع لمؼٌ brainstorming session وٍىفر ٍَٗع
take part in= sharein ًف نهبشٌ make a decision هاول نقزٌ
effects of stres
=paricipate in s on ًٍػ ورٛزٌا وٍصأر lead to + ing ًٌا يكإٌ
reach a conclusion طبزٕزٍا ًٌا ًظٌ let‟s add فٍؼٔ بٕػك
take break ؼٌوزٌَ in the daily life ٌٍٍِٗٛا ٖبٍؾٌا ًف
make a difference فلازفا ًّؼٌ positive effects ٍٗثبغٌا داوٍصأر
concentrate best ًؼفا يووٌ negative effects ٍٗجٍٍ داوٍصأر
awaste of time ذلٌٍٛ ٗؼٍؼِ a positive impact on ٍٗثبغٌا وٍصأر
Verb Noun Adjective
analyse مهسٚ analysis مٛهست analytical ٙهٛهست
decide ررقٚ decision رارق decisive ىساز
differ فهتخٚ difference فلاتخا different فهتخي
manage - ردُٚ - رٚذٚ management ِرادا manageable ِرادلاا مٓس
alternate بٔاُتٚ لدابتٚ- ىكستٚ alternative مٚذب alternative مٚذب
add فٛعٚ addition ّفاظا additional ٙفاظا
Word Antonym
damage فهتٚ benefit لٍفٌ
reduce مهقٚ increase-expand- raise لٌيٌ
positive ٙبادٚا negative ًجٍٍ
divide ىسقٚ attach - unify لؽٌٛ - ؾثوٌ
priority ّٕٚنٔلاا subsequency كؽلاٌا
option راٛتخا obligation هبجعا
overall مياش - واع partial ًصيع