Page 13 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 13

17. The coach will begin meeting with the players to …………….   their performance in

          the  last round of the tournament.
          a. score                         b. help                      c. assess                     d. achieve
           18. When you make a change to the way you work, you need to -------- its advantages
          and disadvantages first.
          a. concentrate              b. fabricate                  c. evaluate                   d. regulate
          19. The government should try to  (raise- reduce-decline-save   ) awareness of people
          about the dangers of coronavirus. A lot of people lost their lives.
          20. We should (raise- educe-decline-save   ) money by spending a day  among people
          to persuade them help charities.

          21. The ministry of education use the latest (progress- communication - set-
          technology ) inside classrooms , including smart boards, to help students benefit a lot.
          22. A/An (operation – experiment – process - illness) is a series of events or changes
          that happen naturally.
          23. His broken leg is the direct (result – series – process – sequence) of his own
          24.Anees Mansour  wrote a book about his (experiment-experiences- experience -
          trials  ) when he travelled to Europe. He saw a different world.
          25. Youth should (score- increase -assess - achieve     ) their knowledge of the world
          around them. They should read a lot.
          26. The shop has ( vary- various- variety- amount ) sizes of this jacket. You can find
          your needs.
          27. There are a wonderful ( vary- various- variety- amount ) of clothes . You can find
          your needs.
          28. The prices ( vary- various- variety- amount ) according to the quality of the
          29. ( Procrastination-Punctuation  -Irrigation –Addiction ) means to delay something

          30. The (overall-public- private-every ) result is wonderful although we have made
          some mistakes.
          31.Students should reach their schools ( in – on – at – of ) time to prepare themselves
          for their lessons.
          32. Some students in the faculty of engineering want to (advice- brainstorm-attend-
          fetch ) some online experts about some difficult points in their graduation project.
          33. Although  it rains heavily in this area , the agricultural (equality- contribution-
          production -amounts  )   is affected by the lack of manpower.
          34. It is a difficult ( generation  -operation -preparation  -situation) to generate
          electricity from the waves.
          35. The company hopes that its new ( product -production - productive   - producer)
          will sell very well.
          36 .The coach has decided to hold two training ( sessions – meetings-conferences-
          pioneers  ) daily to raise their fitness.
          37. We are having a (  brainstorming-productive-stressful-revising  ) session  next
          week to try to find some reasonable solutions to the problems we face in the research.
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