Page 13 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 13

a) donor                            b) donation                 c) operation                d) operator

        42- Volcanoes, earthquakes and tornadoes are known as natural …………………..     .
        a) disasters                       b) gifts                         c) donations               d) souvenirs

        43- ……………. is information that is given to a court of law in order to prove that
             someone is guilty or not.
        a) Investment                   b) Improvement         c) Importance            d) Evidence
        44- The producers made a decision to …….…. another film after the great success

               of the first one.
        a) carry                             b) make                       c) watch                      d) gain
        45- The conference is held to discuss different issues. The opposite of "issues" is ……  .

        a) agreements                   b) arguments              c) affairs                     d) subjects

        46- Computers can ……………….. a huge amount of information.
        a) conclude                       b) replace                    c) imagine                  d) handle
        47- He is a creative writer; he has wide …………………..    .

        a) evaluation                    b) imagination            c) stimulation            d) preparation
        48- They watched the fabulous building spectacularly. The opposite of "spectacularly"
               is ……….………   .

        a) suddenly                       b) beautifully              c) boringly                d) amazingly
        49- New projects are being set up everywhere to create job opportunities ………..……
               the youth.
        a) of                                   b) by                            c) on                          d) for

        50- I think that she deserves the punishment; you cannot …………… her rudeness.
        a) imagine                         b) create                     c) offer                       d) wonder

        51- A subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social
              or political matter that affects the interests of people means a/an ……………   .
        a) article                           b) profile                     c) issue                       d) court
        52- A/An ………………. is a doctor who does operations in a hospital.

        a) surgeon                        b) architect                  c) fighter                   d) chemist
        53- People used to face dangers to …………….. enough money for their families.
        a) press                             b) do                            c) win                         d) earn

                                               Part Two: Structure

                                               Forms of the future
         Form              Affirmative          Negative                Question             Passive

         will              Sub. + will + inf.   Sub. won’t + inf.       Will + Sub. +        لوعفم + will be +
                                                                        inf.                 p.p.
         going to          Sub. +               Sub. + am/is/are not  Am / Is / Are          لوعفم   +
                           am/is/are +          + going to (inf.)       sub.  + going to     am/is/are +
                           going to + Inf.                              + inf.?              going to + be
                                                                                              + p.p.
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