Page 16 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 16

23- Where …………………….. your weekend?
        a) do you spending           b) you will spend       c) are you spending   d) you are spending

        24- That governmental building is old and cracked. I think it ............................. .
        a) will fall                           b) is going to fall       c) is falling                 d) falls
        25- Hazem is a genius at math. I think he ......................... this math problem.
        a) solves                              b) is going to solve    c) is solving                d) will solve
        26- Eman can' come to the cinema with us tomorrow. She ............. her mother with
              the housework.
        a) will help                         b) am going to help   c) am helping            d) help
        27- They are training hard these days. I'm sure they ....................... the next match.
        a) will win                          b) are going to win    c) are winning          d) win
        28- I will do the shopping and you ..................... the kitchen.
        a) will clean                       b) are going to            c) cleans                   d) is cleaning
        26- My brother's flight ………………….. off at 11.30 a.m. next Friday.

        a) takes                              b) is going to take       c) is taking               d) will take
        27- I predict that people ………………….. on the moon in the future.
        a) are living                       b) will live                   c) are going to  live  d) live
        28- In 2035, all people around the world .............................. electric cars.
        a) will have driven            b) will drive                c) will be driving     d) drive
        29- I ……………… return the book after I read it.

        a) will                                 b) am                           c) not                        d) going to
        30- She is walking backwards and there is a bag behind her. I think she …………….    .
        a) will fall                          b) is going to fall         c) is falling               d) falls
        31- Hamza, after you do your homework, we .......................... for a walk!

        a) will have gone               b) will be going           c) are going              d) will go
        32- By 2020, the world’s population …................... eight billion.
        a) will have reached         b) will be reaching      c) will reach             d) is reaching
        33- In the next twenty years, people …........................ to their houses.

        a) will have talked            b) will be talking         c) will talk                d) talk
        34- By 2035, a lot of things in our life ….............................     .
        a) are changing                                                      b) are going to change

        c) will have changed                                              d) will be changing
        35- By the end of this century, we ….............. life on other planets.
        a) will find                         b) are going to find     c) will be finding     d) may have found

        36- Waleed ……………….. to the stadium as planned .
        a) will go                            b) is going to go           c) is going to            d) goes
        37- Waleed has planned ……………………….. the stadium.
        a) to go                               b) go                             c) is going to go       d) will go
        38- As soon as dad comes home, we .................... lunch. We are waiting for him.

        a) will have                        b) going to have          c) will have had        d) will be having
        39- Adel ......................... the question well before he answers it.
        a) will read                        b) will have read         c) will be read           d) a & b
        40- When I ....................., I will have worked in the same school for 20 years.
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