Page 11 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 11

a) observe                         b) ignore                     c) control                      d) support

        8- How can this plant survive in the dry desert? Another word for "survive" is to ..…   .
        a) consist                          b) contain                    c) live                            d) leave

        9- Global warming is the increase of the Earth's ……………..    .
        a) temperatures               b) marks                     c) points                        d) opinions
        10- The interviewer asked the ……..… about his opinion of the new evaluation method.
        a) education                     b) educate                   c) educationally            d) educationalist

        11- Spectacular medical breakthrough sometimes occur, but they occur more
              commonly in science …………….. than in the course of everyday scientific research.
        a) perfection                     b) section                    c) fictional                     d) fiction

        12- Don't immerse yourself in such trivial things. The synonym of "immerse" is to ….  .
        a) involve                          b) inherit                    c) contribute                 d) conclude
        13- The temperatures dropped to five ………………….. Centigrade.

        a) views                             b) citizens                   c) degrees                      d) opportunities
        14- She can imagine very strange things; she is an ………………….. person.
        a) imaginary                     b) imaginative           c) interesting                 d) interested

        15- To become completely involved in something is to ………………….   .
        a) diverse                          b) immerse                 c) consist                        d) persist
        16- You cannot believe that it was imaginary; it ………………….. as a real story.
        a) cures                             b) cares                       c) looks                          d) locks

        17- Our discussion will last …………. hours if we don't listen carefully to each other.
        a) off                                 b) for                            c) by                              d) at

        18- If you put ice in the sun, it turns into …………….    .
        a) vapour                          b) evaporation            c) liquid                        d) steam
        19- All the countries all over the world try to ................. the fossil fuels with
               the solar energy.

        a) replace                          b) evaluate                  c) create                        d) repeat
        20- Chatting has become our young men's main habit instead ……………. reading
              or doing a sport.

        a) for                                 b) with                         c) down                         d) of
        21- The words "powerfully" and "educationally" are …………..…………     .
        a) two adjectives                                                   b) two adverbs

        c) a noun and an adverb                                      d) an adjective and a verb
        22- Coronavirus disease is a serious universal ……………… that has affected
              the world's economy.
        a) review                           b) device                      c) issue                          d) degree
        23- The events in this story aren't real; they are …………………..   .

        a) imaginary                     b) imaginative            c) factual                      d) official
        24- To ………………….. is to be a part of something or a result of it.
        a) exclude                          b) explode                   c) involve                     d) dissolve
        25- We helped our chemistry teacher …………….. a difficult experiment yesterday.
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