Page 17 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 17

a) will retire                      b) retire                        c) have retired          d) b & c

        41- By next year, many new roads and bridges ..................... in our city.
        a) will have built                                                    b) will have been built

        c) will build                                                             d) will be built
        42- Do you think how many projects will......................... when they finish this one?
        a) have done                     b) have been doing      c) do                           d) be doing
        43- The public park ..................... at 6 p.m. tomorrow.
        a) is closing                        b)  is going to close     c) will close               d) closes
        44- The last underground train .................... that station at 1 a.m. tomorrow.
        a) leaves                             b) is leaving                 c) is going to leave   d) will leave
        45- My grandfather ...................... 60 years old next week.
        a) is going to be                 b) will be                      c) is being                 d) is
        46- The sunset ................... at 5.35 tomorrow.
        a) is being                          b) is going to be          c) will be                    d) is
        47- My family ....................... my birthday next Thursday at a famous restaurant.
        a) celebrate                                                             b) is going to celebrate
        c) will celebrate                                                      d) is celebrating
        48- He has decided that he ........................... science to arts.
        a) will study                      b) is going to study      c) is studying            d) studies
        49- By 2050, scientists  ........................... new types of fuel.
        a) will be invented            b) will have invented  c) are inventing        d) invent

        50- In 2050, we ............................ new types of fuel.
        a) will have used               b) are going to use      c) will use                  d) will be using

                                               Part Three: Writing
        Punctuations (Part One)

        Punctuation is a system of symbols that we use when writing a language / in written
                                language. The symbols used in this system are called punctuation marks.
        - Capital letters:                                                                               :ةريبكلا فورحلا مادختسإ

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