Page 10 - Unit Six 3rd Sec
P. 10

3 - experience                                                 (     ًّػ ٖوجف)

            experiences                                                   )  ٖبٍؽ ٗثوغر )
            experiment                                                       (     ٍٍّٗؼِ ٗثوغر)
          They offered me the job because I had a lot of experience
          I had a lot of interesting experiences during my journey in Africa.

          In labs, scientists do a lot of experiments.
          4 - in time  تٍبٌّٕا ذلٌٛا ًف       - You should be at the airport in time

          -  on time  كبؼٌٍّا ًف                 - The train arrives at the station on time.
          5- distract   (  ذزشٌ  -     ًٌٍٙ )                                         - district    (ٌٕٗلِ ًف ًؽ )

          - One of the group distracted me by asking for help.
          - She lives in El Hussein district.

          6 - differ (from)    ٓػ فٍزقٌ                    -differ about / on / over         ْأشث فٍزقٌ
          differentiate between (right) and (wrong)                   فلازفلاا  -     قوفٌا يٌٍّ
          differentiate (right) from (wrong)                                    فلازفلاا  –     قوفٌا يٌٍّ
          - People differ from one another in their ability to handle stress.

          -The two lawyers differed about how to present the case.
          -It's important to differentiate between fact and opinion.

          -Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.
          7- Most         +     )  حوىٔ ٍُا  (              -Most footballers are professional
          - Most of  +         خفوؼِ ٍُا  Most of the teachers are honest , patient and hard-working

          8- result of    ـٌ خغٍزٔ                  - result from   ٓػ ظزٌٕ           - result in = lead to   ًٌا يكإٌ

               - 9      apply for   ) ءًش / خفٍظٚ ( ًٍػ يٛظؾٌٍ َلمزٌ           - application  .      خفٍظٚ تٍؽ    -    applicant   تٍطٌ َلمزِ
                 10.   contact   : ) وع فوؽ نفأر لا ( ًظزٌ  . You can  contact m e on this number.
             -    connect ( to )  : ًظزٌ   .    You can  connect the compute r to the internet easily  .
               a contact with  : ـث يبظرا ٚا نبىزؽا  , She needs to have  a contact with new people   .
              Listen to an expert on productivity talking about how to be productive:
               Productivity means managing your study or work time so that you get all your work done
          in the time you have, but also doing that work well.
          When people ask me for tips about how to be productive, the first thing I tell them is that
          everyone‟s different so different things will help different people. Let‟s start with the place
          where you work. It‟s a good idea to try out different places and assess where you can
          concentrate the best and got the most work done. For example, going to a café to work or
          study might help some people to make faster progress, but it may make it harder for other
          people to concentrate and they‟ll get less work done. You need to find the best place for
          you.  The same is true for the time of day you study. Some people are early birds and their
          efficiency tends to be higher in the morning. Whereas other people are'night owls'who are
          most productive in the evening. Try working at different times of day and find out which
          time of day is best for you. Then make sure that you always work or study at that time.
          Whatever type of person you are, your productivity levels will decline when you try to d:
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