Page 9 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 9

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“                   Lesson 2

                                              2 -CLIL: SCIENCE

      Key Vocabulary

            word                meaning                                     Example

              Each                     مك          Each sister had a beautiful house.

                                                   There is a big mango tree in front of my
         mango tree              ىجَاي جزجش

             wood                    ةشذ           The chair is made of wood.

             bigger                   زثكا         The horse is bigger than the dog.
      Verbs :

                 Present                            meaning                                  Past

                     eat                                 مكأٌ                                   ate

                 cut down                                عطقٌ                              cut down

                     sell                                 عٍثٌ                                 sold
                     give                                ًطعٌ                                  gave

      Read. Is a mango tree renewable or non-renewable?

                                                 Two mango trees

             Sara  and  Malak  are  sisters.  Each  sister  had  a  beautiful  mango  tree

      next  to  her  house.  Every  year,  the  sisters  ate  beautiful  mangoes.  Their
      children  played  under  the  trees.   ne  day,   alak  said,  I  don’t  need

      mangoes. I need money. Let’s cut down my tree. I can sell the wood.   he

      cut  the  tree  and  sold  the  wood.   alak  was  happy.  Next  year,   ara’s
      mango tree grew bigger and bigger. It gave Sara more mangoes.  alak

      looked  out  of  the  window.   here  was  no  mango  tree.   he  had  no

      mangoes and no more wood.   on’t worry,  said  ara.   lant this mango

      seed and it will grow into a big tree.

       Connect 4                                       4                                    Primary 4  1 term
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