Page 14 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 14

Connect 4         Unit 6  “What  do you do ?“                   Lesson 3

      The main ideas of the reading text:

         o  here’s an old fisherman in my village.

         o He drives around the village in an old van.

         o He couldn’t start his van. He was sad and disappointed.
         o  om’s dad (my grandpa) was a mechanic.

         o  he looked at the old van’s engine. "It is a very simple problem.

         o The old fisherman was surprised. He heard the sound of the engine.

         o His van was fixed!

      Read again and answer the question:

      1 What does the old man sell?

      2 Why was the old man sad and disappointed?

      3 Why do you think the old man was surprised?



          he letter  u                he letter  a                 he letter  i                he letter  e

       makes the sound  makes the sound  makes the sound  makes the sound
                 /˄ /                        /æ/                         / ɪ /                       / e/

        Sun - run - fun -  van - man - fan –  Fix - fish - sister -  Fresh - help - pet
        gun - cut - hug -            dad - bad - can             this - will - city          - end - tell - ten

      Choose the correct letters :-

          e          a           i         u          a           i         e           i         u           a
        Connect 4                                      9                             Primary 4  1 term
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