Page 8 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 8

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“                   Lesson 1

                                            Exercise on lesson 1

      1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

      1 - A farmer --------------- after the trees.

          a) looks               b)reads                 c) helps        d)writes

      2- I’m a librarian. I work in a school ---------------.

          a) garden         b) class                     c) clinic          d) library

      3- I go out on my ---------------  and catch fish.

          a) train             b) plane                    c) boat          d) bike

      4- Librarians buy lots of new --------------.

           a) books         b) fish                    c) trees         d) oranges


      2- Read and complete the text with the words in the box:

                      (information – fishing – tourism – explain – places )

            I’m a guide. I work in the (1)----------------- industry . People come to my

      country and it’s my job to (2)----------------- the history and tell the tourists

      lots of interesting (3)-----------------  about the (4)----------------- they visit.

      6- Write a paragraph of EIGHTEEN (18) words using the following guiding

      elements:     ( fishing – education – farming )

                                            Tourist industry in Egypt





        Connect 4                                      3                             Primary 4  1 term
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