Page 7 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 7

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“                   Lesson 1

      The main ideas of the reading text:

         o A fisherman wakes up very early every day.

         o He goes out on his boat to catch fish and sell his fish in the market.

         o A farmer grows oranges.  All year, He looks after the trees and gives

             them water and nutrients.
         o A guide works in the tourism industry.

         o It’s his job to explain the history and tell the tourists.

         o   A librarian works in a school library.
         o  His job to look after all the books.

              fishing                     farming                     tourism                    education

      Look and write. Which industry are the words connected to? Can you add

      more words to the table?

          Animals – teachers – hotels – nets – transportation – library – trees –






        Connect 4                                      2                             Primary 4  1 term
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