Page 6 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 6

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“                   Lesson 1

                                              1-What do you do?

      Key Vocabulary

            word                  meaning                                    Example

            all year                واعنا لاىط       All year, a farmer looks after the farm.

          nutrients              حٍئاذغ زصاُع  A farmer gives plants water and nutrients.
            factory                   عُصي           My father works in a factory.

     tourism industry  ححاٍسنا حعاُص    A guide works in tourism industry .

           country                     حنوز          Egypt is a beautiful country.

            history                   دٌراذ          Many people like to read about our istory.

           tourists                   حاٍس           Tourists like to visit Egypt in winter.
           librarian               حثركي ٍٍيا        A librarian works in a school library.

      Verbs :

                 Present                            meaning                                  Past

                    catch                               زاطصٌ                                caught

                look after                              ب ًُرعٌ                          Looked after
                     pick                           فطقٌ    -     عًجٌ                       picked

      1- I’m a fisherman. I wake up very early every day, I go out on

         my boat and catch fish. Then in the afternoon, I come back
         and sell my fish in the market. My fish go to restaurants and

         homes all over the world.

      2- I’m a farmer. I grow oranges.  All year, I look after the
         trees and I give them water and nutrients. Then, I pick the

         fruit. I send a lot of the fruit to the factory to make orange

         juice. I also sell some of my oranges to the supermarket.

      3- I’m a guide. I work in the tourism industry. People come
           to my country and it’s my job to explain the history and

           tell the tourists lots of interesting information about the

           places they visit.
         4- I’m a librarian. I work in a school library. It’s my job to

           look after all the books. I buy lots of new books and I help

           children find the information they need

         Connect 4                                      1                             Primary 4 1 term
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