Page 22 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 22

a) listen                            b) make                        c) play                        d) do

        7- To take action or make changes that you have officially decided should happen
              means to …..….……  .

        a) implant                        b) implement               c) treat                       d) operate
        8- Having ………….. her daily housework, she had some rest.
        a) has done                       b) had done                 c) done                         d) had been doing
        9- No sooner ......................... the oil of the car than he started his trip.
        a) he had checked           b) he has checked       c) does he check        d) had he checked
        10- Mohamed has just decided that he ......................... that phone.
        a) will buy                        b) is going to buy        c) is buying               d) buys
        11- I like that shirt. I ......................... it.
        a) will buy                        b) is going to buy        c) is buying               d) buys
        12- You have to train well or you ………………. the match.

        a) won’t lose                    b) will be lost               c) are going to win   d) won't win
        13- My son Adham …………………. 10 years old next November.
        a) is going to be               b) will being                c) will be                    d) is being
        14- Which of the following is punctuated correctly?

        a) Do your homework, hamza.
        b) Do your homework, Hamza?
        c) Do your homework, Hamza.
        d) Do your homework hamza?

        Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:
             People have been writing about strange worlds and travelling to space for
        thousands of years. Parts of the famous Arabic story One Thousand and One Nights
        might be described as a kind of science fiction. But, science really started to influence
        how we all lived in the nineteenth century. This was a time when many exciting new
        things were invented: steam trains, the telephone, electricity, photographs and much
             The writer Jules Verne (1828-1905) looked at nineteenth century technology and
        imagined how it could be improved to do amazing things. He wrote about people
        travelling to the centre of the earth, to the moon or deep under the sea. Many people
        consider him to be the first true science fiction writer.
            In 1895, the writer HG Wells (1866–1946) saw technology differently. He wrote
        about the possible dangers of technology. His books include The Time Machine, in
        which the hero travels into a dangerous and unpleasant future. Other writers also
        thought that technology could be bad. Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1931) is
        about a future in which people are produced in factories. But not all science fiction
        writers saw technology as bad. Authors such as Isaac Asimov (1920–1992) often wrote
        about a future in which science can solve all our problems.
            Science fiction has evolved with technology. In the 1960s, space was being explored
        for the first time. This gave science fiction writers ideas for what explorers might find
        in space: strange worlds and unexplained mysteries, such as in the novels of Arthur
        C. Clarke. More recently, many science fiction stories have been about robots. Could
        they become more intelligent than people? Should we use them or could they start to

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