Page 27 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 27

Connect 4                              Listening Textes

                                           Exercises on lesson 2

      1. Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d:               page 6

           I saw many examples of the loving sister who cares for her younger

      and older brothers as if she is their mother. The sister is a great friend

      who  gives  useful  advice  for  her  brothers.  She  can  understand  them
      from a quick look at their face. She is their little mother.

                                           Exercises on lesson 4

      1. Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d: page 15

              A  teacher  is  a  person  with  many  skills  for  helping  others  learn,

      guiding,  and  helping  solve  a  problem.  Teachers  should  have  excellent

      communication  skills  so  that  the  students  can  understand  everything

      and learn with ease. On the other hand, good teachers are the closest

      companions of the children


                                                    Test on unit 6
      1. Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d (6m)

      Everyone of us wants to be something when we grow up and there are

      millions of jobs to choose from. During long years of high school everyone

      learns many things in and out of the classroom. This helps us to decide

      what job or profession we want to pursue when we grow up.

         Connect 4                                      22                           Primary 4  1 term
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