Page 22 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 22

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“        Lessons  4 & 5

                                                   5 – Project

      Think. How do we show respect to the people around us?

         I respect the              I respect the               I respect the            I respect the bus

       teacher. I listen  cleaner. I don’t                     librarian. I put              driver. I say

       to him carefully             throw trash.              my books back              thank you when
                                                                on the shelf.            I get off the bus.

      In which industries do these people work?

            Education                    Tourism                    Farming                       Fishing

                ىٍهعرنا                   ححاٍسنا                    ةعارزلا                        دٍصلا

      What do these people do? Read and complete

      1( Mechanics -------------cars.
      2) Dentists -------------teeth.

      3( Fishermen -------------fish.

      4) Garbage collectors -------------garbage.

      5) Mail carriers -------------the mail.
      6) Teachers -------------students.
      7) Farmers------------- food.

        Connect 4                                      17                             Primary 4  1 term
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