Page 24 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 24

Connect 4                              Unit 6  Test 1

      1. Listen and circle the correct answer from a, b, c or d (6m) 22 عامتسلاا صن

       1 - There are --------------- of jobs to choose from.

        a) ten               b) millions                 c)one                    d) three

      2- Everyone of us --------------- to be something when we grow up.

        a) read                b) do                     c) wants             d)play

      3- During long years of--------------- school everyone learns many things.

        a) high               b) prep              c) primary             d)kindergarten

      4- This helps us --------------- decide what job or profession we want.

        a) of                   b) in                      c) under                d) to

       2. Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:   (4 m)

      1- The --------------- takes me to school.

          a-doctor          b-builder              c-plumber               d-bus driver

      2- I think electricity is interesting but it can be ---------------.

          a-save               b-safe                    c- dangerous         d-danger

      3- Teachers need to think  ---------------.

          a-slowly           b-quickly               c- happily               d-hardly

      4- He --------------- ice cream .

          a-dislikes            b-disagrees           c- disobeys         d- disappoints


      3. Read and complete the text with the words in the box: (4 m)

                                   ( for – nutrients – juice – after – sell)

            I’m a farmer. I grow oranges. All year, I look (1)--------------- the trees

      and I give them water and(2)---------------. Then, I pick the fruit. I send a lot

      of the fruit to the factory to make orange(3)---------------. I also (4)------------

      some of my oranges to the supermarket.

        Connect 4                                      19                             Primary 4  1 term
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