Page 23 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 23

Connect 4         Unit 6  “What  do you do ?“        Lessons  4 & 5

                                           Exercises on lesson 5

      3- Read and complete the text with the words in the box:

                             (librarian – books – four – interesting – six )

         My name is Hany. I’m in grade (1) -------------. I want to be a (2) ------------

      -- when I grow up. I like helping people and I want to work at a school. A

      librarian looks after book. He buys many new (3) -------------- and helps

      children to find interesting information. It is an (4) -------------- job.

      2- Read and write the correct form of the word(s) between brackets:

      1- I --------------  ( listens ) to my teacher carefully.

      2- We should -------------- ( respecting ) the cleaner .

      3- Soha put her books back -------------- ( to ) the shelf.

      4- I -------------- (doesn’t ) throw trash on the floor.


        Connect 4                                      18                             Primary 4  1 term
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