Page 24 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 3 2024
P. 24

You may cut expenses for eating out or even cut the trip short and get back before
        the holiday season ends.  It is also advisable to have travel insurance so that you can get
        protection if you should cancel your booking for a reason or another.
        Choose the correct answer from a, b c or d:
        23- Why should you bring light luggage?
        a) To restrict your movement.
        b) To save your energy.
        c) To ease you in moving around.
        d) To give space for camping equipment.
        24- The synonym of the underlined word “blooming” is ……………………      .
        a) prosperous                b) low                           c) weak                        d) decreasing
        25- Taking a day off work is suitable in the of-season for people with ……………    .
        a) small families            b) little free time         c) much money          d) low budget
        26- The best title for this passage is ……………………….    .
        a) Staying home or travelling                            b) Some tourist attractions
        c) High cost travels                                             d) Tips for beginner travelers
        27- What is the main idea of the passage?
        a) Travelling alone is special.
        b) Tips to plan a trip for a newbie.

        c) A newbie shouldn’t travel alone.
        d) A newbie needs more money to travel.
        28- What is the advantage of taking a road trip compared to flying?
        a) A road trip is longer.
        b) A road trip could be dangerous.
        c) A road trip is usually cheaper.
        d) A road trip requires you in good shape.
        29- If your budget for accommodation is very limited, you can do the following,
        a) Stay in a luxury hotel.                                    b) Stay in a hostel.
        c) Cut your trip short                                         d) Find an inexpensive hotel
        30- What is travel insurance for?
        a) To protect your health during the trip.
        b) To give protection if you lose your luggage.
        c) To give protection when traveling.
        d) To give protection in case you cancel your booking
        Choose the correct Arabic translation:

         31   In my point of view, charitable institutions in Egypt play a great role to provide
              support for poor families who do not enjoy any health care or health.
            عتمتت  لا يتلا ، ةريقفلا رسلأل  معدلا ميدقت يف ا ً ريبك ا ً رود رصم يف ةيريخلا تاسسؤملا بعلت     ،  ىرظن ةهجو نم (a

                                                                                           .ةيحص ةياعر يأب
            عتمتت مل يتلا ، ةريقفلا رسلأل  معدلا ميدقت يف ا ً ريبك ا ً رود رصم يف ةيريخلا تاسسؤملا تبعل  ، ىرظن ةهجو نم   (b
                                                                                              .ةيحص ةياعرب
            عتمتت لا يتلا ، ةريقفلا رسلأل  معدلا ميدقت يف ا ً ريبك ا ً رود رصم يف ةيريخلا تامظنملا تبعل   ، ىرظن ةهجو نم   (c
                                                                                            .يحص نيمأت   يأب

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