Page 22 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 2 2024
P. 22

21- Don’t get the ten o’clock train. It arrives .................than the others.

        a) later                          b) late                              c) the latest                  d) as late

        22- Nada is ............................. polite. Everybody respects her.

        a) most                          b) more                           c) as                             d) than

        23- I can afford to buy a new bike, but not a new car. A car is ……… a bike.

        a) expensive                  b) more expensive than c) so expensive as      d) more expensive

        24- You look ……………… than the last time I saw you. Have you lost weight?

        a) thinner                     b) thin                              c) thinnest                 d) as thinner as

        25- My brother is the ……….. in the class.

        a) tallest                        b) taller                           c) tall                         d) as tall as

        26- Every day, I become ……………. in this neighbourhood. People here are friendly.
        a) happy and happier                                          b) happy and happy

        c) happy and happiest                                         d) happier and happier
        27- The harder you work, the ………………. you do in the exam.

        a) good                          b) best                             c) better                   d) good as

        28- The Egyptian civilization is ………………… the Roman one.

        a) elder than                b) as old                          c) the oldest              d) older than

        29- For me, Sunday is ........................ day of the week.

        a) busier                       b) more busy                 c) busier than           d) the busiest

        30- January is ......................... month in many countries.

        a) the coldest                b) more colder              c) colder                    d) cold than

        1- A persuasive essay

              It is a type of essay that presents logical arguments with emotional appeal and non-

        formal types of debate in order to sway readers to a particular point of view. It is

        presented to the reader with a more relaxed tone (friendly and informal tone). It can be

        both a form of academic writing and personal writing.

        2- A reflective essay

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