Page 20 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 2 2024
P. 20

as + adjective + as  = the same + noun        ) 3

                adjective              noun                   adjective                       Noun

             deep                  depth               far / near                     Distance

             wide                  width               cheap / expensive              Price

             strong                strength            tall / high                    Height
             long                  length              small / big                    Size

             beautiful             beauty              old / young                    Age

                                  (the more / the less / the adj. + er  ( نم ًايأ  ىلولأا ةلمجلا لوأ ىف  انمدختس إ ول  ) 4

                                                     ىنعملا بسح ةيناثلا ةلمجلا ةيادب ىف مهنم ةدحاو مدختسنس اننإف

        The more you train hard, the better you are / the more you win / the less you lose.

          Mohamed Salah is my best player.            ايلعلا ليضفتلا ةغيص ىف   the  نم ًلادب ةيكلم ةفص مادختس إ نكمي ) 5

                                                   ايلعلا ليضفتلا ةغيص ىف   the  نم ًلادب ةيبيترتلا دادعلأا مادختسإ نكمي ) 6

          Mohamed Salah is the first most popular Egyptian player in the world.

                  two / of the two / between the two      تركذ ول   (the  ةفص +   er)  مدختسن  نينثإ نيب ةنراقملا دنع ) 7

        1- I don't think this medicine is …………………. that one.

        a) effective                     b) more effective            c) as effective as             d) so effect as

        2- Bill Gates is one of ……………. men in the world.

        a) famous                       b) the most famous        c) more famous              d) as famous as

        3- Who is …………….. person in your family?

        a) shorter                       b) shortest                      c) the shortest                 d) shorter than

        4- Waleed doesn’t play the guitar …………………. Nancy does.

        a) as well so                   b) as well as                    c) so well  as                    d) b & c

        5- In Egypt, January is …………..………... than March.

        a) cold                            b) colder than                c) colder                          d) the coldest

        6- I think that good health is …………………. than money.

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