Page 17 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 2 2024
P. 17

a) didn’t fix                   b) won’t fixed               c) fixed                        d) wasn’t fixed

        2- She .................... until she graduates.

        a) didn’t marry             b) wasn’t married       c) won’t marry           d) hasn’t married

        3- It was only when I had known the truth …………. I forgave her.

        a) on                               b) after                         c) than                         d) that

        4 - ....................... there before we went together?

        a) Have you been           b) You have been        c) Had you been        d) You had been

        5- I had known my husband for three years before...................... married.

        a) got                               b) had got                    c) getting                    d) has got

        6- How many coffees ...................... before the interview?

        a) did you drink             b) you had drunk       c) you drank               d) had you drunk
        7- The mechanic told me that my car ...................    .

        a) had fixed                     b) had been fixed        c) fixed                      d) has been fixed
        8- After they .......................... the Chinese food, they began to feel sick.

        a) ate                               b) was eating               c) had eaten               d) eats

        9- I had known my husband for three years before we ...................... married.

        a) got                               b) had got                    c) was getting            d) has got

        10- Omar found the key which he .......................   .

        a) had lost                       b) lost                           c) was losing              d) has lost

        11- She remembered that she ............. that film before.

        a) watched                      b) had watched           c) was watching         d) watches

        12- Grandma was tired because she .......................after the kids all day.

        a) had looked                  b) was looking            c) had been looking   d) has looked

        13- She ........................ for a new job for the last month when she found a good one.

        a) looked                         b) has looked               c) had looked             d) had been looking

        14- She ..................... well all the party before she felt sick.

        a) had been looked        b) looked                     c) had been looking    d) had looked

        15- ………………………. the house than a thief broke into it.

        a) The family no sooner had left                       b) Hardly the family had left

        c) No sooner had the family left                        d) The family had hardly left

        16- As soon as I went home, I realized that someone ………………. my house.

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