Page 16 - connect 4 unit 6
P. 16

Connect 4         Unit 6 “What do you do?“                   Lesson 3

                                           Exercises on lesson 3

      1- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

      1- The boy is-----------------. He didn’t pass the test.

          a) disappointed           b)happy             c) slow           d)glad
      2- He ----------------- around the village in an old van.

          a) swims                       b)walks               c) drives        d)have

       3- A ----------------- catch fish from the lake.

          a) mechanic                 b)fisherman       c) cleaner      d)plumber

      2- Read and complete the text with the words in the box:

                                  ( fresh - van  - drives – shouts – fish )

       here’s an old fisherman in my village. He (1) ----------------- around the

      village in an old (2)-----------------  .  He likes his job. He has fun. He (3) -------

      ----------  , "Fish! Fresh fish! Come and get your lovely (4 ) -----------------
      fish."  ne day, he was in front of my house. He couldn’t start his van.

      3- Read and answer the questions:

                   Fishing is my favorite hobby, I enjoy fishing a lot, as there is

      a certain way to catch each type of fish. And every day I discover a

      better way to catch fish, the hobby of fishing is useful because I have a

      good  time  and  I  breathe  the  fresh  sea  air,  and  the  hobby  of  fishing

      makes me patient. I also enjoy a fresh and delicious fish meal.

      A- Choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

      1- My favorite hobby is ----------------- .

          a) fishing                b) driving             c) reading            d)writing
      2- I enjoy eating  ----------------- fish .

          a) bad                     b)sad                    c) fresh                 d)old

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