Page 8 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 2 2024
P. 8

discourage (d) (v)                ةمهلا طبثي / طبحي  competition (n)                       ةسفانم / ةقباسم

         encouraging (adj)                     زفحم / عجشم  influence (d) (v/n)                         ريثأت / رثؤي

         encouragement (n)                           عيجشت  influential (adj)                                 رثؤم

         raise (d) (v)                    عمجي / عفري / ىبري  tomboy (n)                 )دلولاك فرصتت تنب( ةيملاغ

         inspire (d) (v)                        عجشي  /     مهلي  significant (adj)                  ماه / ىزغم وذ

         inspired (adj)             )هعيجشت / هماهلإ مت( مهلم  significance (n)                 ةيمهأ / ةللاد / ىزغم

         inspiring (adj)                 مهلم صخش وأ ءىش  grumpy (adj)                                      بضاغ

         inspiration (n)                               ماهلإ  conclude (d) (v)                 جتنتسي / متتخي / ىهني

         reflect (ed) (v)                     سكعني /   سكعي  conclusion (n)                  جاتنتسإ / ةمتاخ / ةياهن

         lecture (d) (v/n)                 ةرضاحم / رضاحي

                    Word                                               Definition

         contribution (n)     ماهسإ  something that you give or do in order to help something be


         attitude (n)     / فقوم        the opinions and feelings that you usually have about

          هاجتإ                         something, especially when that is shown in your behavior

         obstacle (n)            ةبقع   something that makes it difficult to achieve something

         grumpy (adj)        بضاغ  bad tempered and easily annoyed

         tournament (n)     ةقباسم  a competition in which players compete against each other in

                                        a series of games until there is one winner

         region (n)               ميلقإ   a large area of a country or of the world, usually without

                                        exact limits

         clay (n)                لاصلص   a type of heavy sticky earth that can be used for making pots,

                                        bricks, etc.

         podcast(n)      ةيمقر ةعاذإ  a radio program that can be downloaded from the internet

         majority (n)         ةيبلغلأا   most of the people or things in a group

         physicist (n)    ىئايزيف ملاع  an expert in the interactions of matter and energy in the

                                        physical universe

         minority (n)           ةيلقلأا  a small group of people or things within a much larger group

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