Page 28 - Sec 3 Ministry Unit 2 2024
P. 28

8- ……………………….the house when there was silence everywhere in the place.

        a) The family had no sooner left                    b) Hardly the family had left

        b) No sooner had the family left                     d) The family had hardly left

        9- No sooner ......................... about my problem than she offered to help me with it.

        a) she had known         b) had she known      c) she has known         d) has she known

        10- The Nile is ............................ river in Africa.

        a) the longer                 b) longer than            c) the longest               d) longest

        11- Charles Dickens is one of ......................... figure in the English literature.

        a) more famous than   b) the most famous    c) as famous as            d) less famous that

        12- He did well on his exam because he .......................for months.

        a) had been studying   b) had studied            c) has studied              d) was studied
        13- I ...................... three languages by the age of 14.

        a) had been learning   b) had learnt               c) had been learnt      d) learnt
        14- The compare and contrast essay ………….… the similarities and the differences in

               a systematic manner.

        a) highlights                 b) ignores                    c) procrastinates         d) deletes

        Read the following passage, then choose the correct answer from a, b, c or d:

            Choosing which university fits your interests and academic background is

        an important decision that will greatly influence the success of your university study. In

        the UK alone, there are hundreds of choices and therefore you need to be strategic in

        making a shortlist of universities and narrowing down your choices into second and

        first choice. This involves weighing some factors such as your motivation and

        aspiration, your personality, your location, and your budget.

               People attend university for different reasons, so ask yourself what you want from

        your target university and what you want to do after you graduate. Many people attend

        top universities because of the prestige without considering their choice of future

        career. If you have interest in a particular career, you should find universities with

        a better reputation for your career choice than others. With a degree from a university

        that is most respected in the profession you want to enter, it will be easy for you to get

        your dream job and you will be able to climb the career ladder fast.

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