Page 6 - connect4unit4
P. 6
Connect 4 Unit 4 Where do you live ?“ Lesson 1
Key Vocabulary
word meaning Example
apartment شقتOur apartment is very big.
fantastic رائغThere is a fantastic balcony in my apartment.
room حجرةThere are three rooms in my apartment.
bedroom غرفت ًىمI sleep in my bedroom.
living room غرفت هؼُشتWe watch TV in the living room.
kitchen هطبخMy mother cooks food in the kitchen.
relax هادٌءI can relax in my bedroom.
quietly بهدوءWe read books in the library quietly.
street شارعYou shouldn’t play in the street.
organize ٌَظنYou should organize your room by yourself.
Verbs :
Present meaning Past
can َستطُغ Could
see َريSaw
help َساػد helped
Listen and Read :
Mom: Look at our lovely new apartment!
Talia : It’s fantastic!
Mom: Which is your favorite room?
Talia : For me it’s my bedroom. I can relax and do my
homework quietly.
Mom: My favorite is the living room with the balcony.
I can see the whole street! Talia, can you help me
organize the kitchen?
Talia : That sounds good, let’s do it!
1- What are they talking about? ---------------------------------------------------
2- What is Mom’s favorite room? Why? -----------------------------------------
Connect 4 1 Primary 4 1st term